At the recent AGM the idea was proposed to have a club library comprising of books, DVDs, magazine articles etc relating to all aspects of running and sports generally.
In order to put the club's resources to best use the library will be a mix of both new and second hand material.
In addition, if you would like to 'donate' any material to the library then we can have a combined central library and 'virtual' library extending into club member's own collections co-ordinated by following the process below. If you have anything to donate then please email the Club Librarian.
To keep things simple, all resources will be listed on a single tracking spreadsheet held by the Club Librarian together with whether it is 'available to borrow' or 'out on loan'.
Anyone wanting to borrow an item from the library simply needs to email the Club Librarian by clicking here
All we ask is that you return the item in the condition it was in before you borrowed it.
The distribution can then be arranged within the email thread (i.e. bring it to next club training session etc).
A one month loan period seems sufficient but please hand back earlier if possible so other people can then borrow it.
I will look to develop this further to include reviews and recommendations from club members.