October 8, 2023

Derby Runner XC – Race 1

Colin Davenport reports

The first race of the winter season took place on Sunday 1st at Shipley Park, and despite the temptations of numerous races in the calendar we did manage to field a full complement! The ladies outshone the men this time around, finishing 4th compared to the gents 7th place.
215 runners overall, with Leonie Shipley winning the women’s race for Chesapeake and Mansfield’s Paul Wright winning the men’s.
Notable V70 and V40 wins for Mick Moorhouse and Lucy Taylor respectively, and nice to meet Lucy Sumner making her BDL debut! All results should be on Webscorer tonight.
No picture taking types at the race I’m afraid, so you’ll just have to visualise the cut and thrust of racing on an old spoil heap in your mind’s eye. Next up is Chaddesden Park, Sunday 12th November.