May 2, 2023

Dronfield Town 10k

Gary Jones reports:

This morning a duo of MAC’s headed to Dronfield to take part in the Dronfield Town 10k. This is not “the Dronfield 10k” but is a 10k in Dronfield.
By all accounts this was a hard run with one main hill, several smaller inclines and at least 3k run on muddy / mixed terrain. Despite that, the weather was nice and warm and a good turnout seemed to (mostly) enjoy the event.
Chris Gillot was first MAC back, finishing as 28th male in a very good time of 47m30s. Lisa Jones finished in 52m20s for 8th female. Well done to both.
First male back was Sam Gilson of Rotherham Harriers in a mighty impressive 34m35s. First female was Ashleigh Barron of Dronfield Running Club in a time of 46m11s.