September 10, 2023

MACs at parkrun – 9 September 2023

Despite soaring temperatures 15 MAC’s participated or marsahalled at 12 different venues this week.

Starting at the top, Kate Ruffell takes all of the prizes this week by travelling to Agnew parkrun near Stranraer Scotland where she ran a super fast time of 22.49 for 8th overall, first lady and a new age grading record of 82.69%!!

Down at Ashbourne Simon Fisher had a decent run for first place in 19.17 but just missed out on an age grading of above 70% due to his youthfulness.

Our other speed merchants Captain Greg recorded a 74.23% with 17.24 and 1st place at Monsal Trail whilst Luke Beresford with a reasonable excuse for taking it steady (tomorrows Great North Run) achieved 70.03% with 19.21 and 3rd place at Whitley Bay parkrun.

Simon Brister continues to show little sign of slowing down with another great run of 25.37 at Fell Foot that earns him a 72.83%.

Sarah and Rob took on the beast of a course at Lyme Park which in todays heat must have been great fun?

Sarah Walton had the right idea in going to Colwick parkrun where afterwards she could cool off with a post parkrun open water swim in the lake. Well done all.

