Me!Me!Me! Footprint of a Runner

Dale Peakall

Dale Peakall, age 49 Married to Lindsey, Children Oliver 5 and Nancy 3 Works as IT Consultant
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As a child, did you want to be an Astronaut, a bus driver? Has it worked out as you hoped?

My Dad bought us ZX Spectrum as our family Christmas present in 1982 and pretty much ever since I wanted to work with computers. I’ve spent 26 years as a professional software developer so far, so I guess Yes.

Were you a competitive child?

I have two older brothers so I was always playing catchup. That sibling rivalry definitely provided motivation.

What is your favourite meal?

Cake, cake with a side of cake.

Stiff drink or herbal tea?

I got a hamper to celebrate a work anniversary several years ago which included some lovely herbal tea. It’s still in the cupboard.

Are there any unexpected advantages from being a member of MAC?

The highly entertaining race reports.

Some stats – PBs

  • 5k 21:28
  • 10k 41:20 (20+ years ago)
  • Half 1:43:34.

Who do you most admire (alive or dead) and why?

I find this a tricky one to answer. Are the great and the good worthy of more admiration than the meek and the mild? However, special recognition must go to my wife for putting up with me.

What is the best trait in people and the worst?

Compassion and greed.

What are you most proud of in your life?

It has to be my little ones. They drive me crazy, but they’re so precious.

Describe yourself in 4 words?

Lucky, determined, happy and grumpy.

Other interests?

I’ve done all sorts of things over the years, but with a young family time is limited and so it’s pretty much just running right now.

What is your ideal weekend?

I can imagine all sorts of great things to do if money was no object, but a typical weekend has us finding plenty of activities to keep the kids busy along with a race or a longish run and I’m satisfied with that.

If you could live anywhere in the World, where would it be?

I’ve always fancied spending some time in Australia. We have some friends in Perth and I think I’d like it. The Derbyshire Dales are lovely though and my feet aren’t itching that much.

What has been your most rewarding challenge – running or otherwise?

I’m going to go with a running one here. I did the Grindleford Gallop in 2014 and then again in 2015 and at 21 miles that’s a long long way for me. Most definitely a challenge and incredibly rewarding. I got injured in the 2015 edition (just as I was heading down into Edensor) and like a plonker I just carried on for the remaining 7 miles which along with other changes in life at the time led to me not running for the next 6 years. Hoping to do it again next year as the culmination of my comeback.

Climate change is top of the World agenda, what are your 4 main tips for reducing your carbon footprint

  1. Buy less stuff
  2. Vote
  3. Understand there are no easy answers
  4. Race local

Who has been your biggest influence/inspiration?

I hope to always be a better version of me and I constantly find inspiration from all the people around me including all my club mates.

Latest music download?

I stream all my music and my choices are incredibly eclectic. Given the nature of our household it’s as likely to be Peppa Pig as Miles Davies.

Favourite film? Podcast? Book?

It’s an oldie but goldie for me: Dr Strangelove. Peter Sellers is just incredible in all the parts he plays in it.

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

My wife saying “Of course” when I asked her to marry me.

Do you have any ideas which Matlock AC could incorporate to improve the club?

My very first interaction with Matlock AC was back in 2013. I had just moved to Derbyshire having spent the previous 10 years or so on the Lincolnshire/Nottinghamshire border. I joined a few folks on a Thursday night who had gathered at the Robin Hood Inn before heading up to White Edge. This was a bit of a shock to my system having not really encountered an actual hill before. Nonetheless, it would be great to have a few more runs over the moors during the summer.
