Me!Me!Me! Footprint of a Runner

Gavin Elliott

Age 47 Married to Karlin. Father to Miles 18 who is also in MAC plus 3 non- biological – Adam, Sian and Kyle. Grandfather of 6. Works as Serene Stone
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I (Jan Forrester) knew you when we both ran for Biggleswade AC in Bedfordshire nearly 20 years ago, what brought you to Derbyshire?

The hills….plus I was seeing my wife, Karlin, who lived in Derbyshire.

At Biggleswade you favoured longer distance races, you now stick to the shorter races, how have you matured as a runner?

Having now run 7 Ultras and 26 full marathons I find my recovery time has lengthened due to my age so tend to run the shorter distances (up to and including half marathons) however that doesn’t stop me racing between 80 and 90 times a year!

Best childhood memory?

As a child I was heavily into scouting so probably somewhere with a backpack on hiking.
Oh and school record for 3,000m (as I was the only one daft enough to do it)

What are your goals for 2023?

I’m looking forward to running some new races and even venturing abroad to compete. (Palma and Scotland.) Having competed mainly in the south I am going to travel more north exploring new races and experiences.

After being with several local running clubs you seem to have found your physical and spiritual home with Matlock AC, what ticks the boxes?

Matlock seems to respect all distance of running and terrains….trust me when I say “others don’t”.

What is your favourite meal?

Sausage, mash and beans

Stiff drink or herbal tea?

Neither…..I’ve never had a pint! And only drink Baileys at Christmas. And I don’t eat or drink anything green (yes, I don’t like veg or salad)

Some stats

PBs: 5k- 17min 49secs; 10k- 37min 54secs; 10 mile – 62min 49secs; 1/2 marathon- 1hr 26min 20sec; Full marathon- 3hr 11min 40sec

Other interests?

I enjoy football (Derby County) and have recently taken up paddle boarding. Strange to say it but I also enjoy my job, traveling the country chatting to people.

Saving the planet is top of the agenda, how have you reduced your carbon footprint?

With my job I drive just under 1000 (yes one thousand) miles a week…..I use unleaded petrol- does that count??

Tell us about your ideal weekend?

Parkrun Saturday morning, Derby County Saturday afternoon.
A long run with friends or race on Sunday.

What has been your most rewarding challenge?

Completely non running related but during Covid times I decided to read a kids storybook online as my ultra ego ‘Grandad’ every single day until the kids were allowed back to school. It went viral, and even made the National Press….and to this day I’m still getting special requests to read stories online.

We have all had a mishap during a race, what is your worst and what was the race?

Whilst running from London to Brighton (56 miles) I got lost and ended up in Brighton University. On asking for directions to the easiest way to the finish the kind students directed me to a bus stop…..I don’t think they could believe I’d actually run from London!

What is your favourite holiday destination?

Not overly fussed, must be hot with lots of sports on site. Like a challenge even if it’s water polo or table tennis.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would it be and why?

That’s easy- I’d be God/Jesus
a) Christmas every other year only- it would save money and be more exciting
b) Velco arms- it’s a design flaw in the human body. When you lay on your side your bottom arm is trapped and useless. So if it was Velco you could remove it and place it on the same side as the other.

Who/What has been your biggest influence/inspiration?

My Dad- He always questioned why I hadn’t done better. My coach (Ken)- He showed me I could!

Favourite Band and Album?

Michael Jackson and I’m currently into Lewis Capaldi

Favourite film?Podcast?Book?

Mary Poppins, Space Balls, Goonies. Haven’t got time for podcasts or books.

What is your worst and best trait?

I am always positive and do not do negativity. So I suppose that covers that question depending if you are a positive or negative person.

Do you have any ideas which Matlock AC could incorporate to improve the club?

Print postcard size adverts for MAC with all our details on. Give a dozen to each member to pass to interested parties. I did this while I was the Men’s Team Captain and marketing manager of Biggleswade AC and grew the club hugely within a year.
(Jan – and whilst out running he would stop runners in the street and hand them a postcard!)
