December 5, 2022

Cardington Cracker Fell Race

Bob Foreman reports:

On Sunday 4th December I travelled down to Shropshire for the Cardington Cracker Fell Race, 9 miles and 2,700 feet, and a counter in the Shropshire Winter Series.  As I was shivering and getting changed in the car park I heard a “hello Bob” and turned to see Luke Beresford of this parish alongside me, which was nice!
There were  231 starters on a  damp misty morning with a keen easterly wind blowing. Initially across farmland the race then has 3 steep climbs up The Lawley, Caer Caradoc  and Willstone Hill and unsurprisingly 3 lovely descents interspersed with more farmland, some of it very muddy and containing some slippery stiles. The last mile is a fast, hell for leather downhill dash through more farmland to the start/finish field.
The race was won by Oliver Perratt of Ludlow Runners in 1;18;39 and the First Lady home and 5th overall was Sara Willhoit  of Mercia Fell Runners in 1;23;35.
Luke  finished 8th in 1;25;48 and, unluckily for him on his first run as a V40 found that there were 3 V40’s ahead of him. Never mind Luke, I’m sure you’ll get your first V40 win at the Beetroot Race!
I finished 40th and 1st M60 in 1;39;54. It felt harder this year as there was more mud but I managed to knock 4 mins off my PB.
A very well organised race by Telford Athletic Club with plenty of marshals at potential wrong turns and flags to guide runners off the hills. Sausage baps, soup, cakes and tea in the village hall afterwards.
 A really good event for a club away race next year…!